Wednesday, April 15, 2015

ARGOS Vibration Sensors

By using a new state–of–the art technology Mira Telecom has developed a world-class vibration sensor, highly accurate and ultra-wide bandwidth capable. This sensor perceives the ground vibrations and sends the signal back to a data processing unit over an optical fiber. The data processing unit is able to identify the vibration pattern in order to classify it and send the information back to the system. The deployment of this type of sensors beyond the security perimeter of the CI provide early warning of any possible intrusion and helps to enhance the security and prevent threats.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

ARGOS Clustering with EDEN Project

The “End-User Driven demo for CBRNe (EDEN)” FP7 Project workshop was organized in February 25-26th, 2015 in the Main School of Fire Service (SGSP) in Warsaw, Poland. This was a Virtual Facility (VF) event in a series of four workshops led by the SGSP in context of EDEN. Each VF is a virtual simulation of respective emergency radiation incident scenarios inside and outside of a nuclear plant which affect public safety at different levels of crisis management in an imaginary country.